Gilles Lasnier

Head of Research & Development and Innovation, CIELE Ingénierie

PhD., Distributed Realtime and Embedded Systems, Model-based Engineering

gilles (dot) lasnier (at)

+33 (0) 1 43 39 44 41

gilles (dot) lasnier

CIELE Ingénierie, 135 chemins des bassins, 94000, Créteil

Blog Atom feed

2015/01/16 » Agrément CIR 2015, 2016 et 2017

category: research | tags:  cir  ciele  agrement  research | author: Gilles Lasnier

CIELE Ingénierie a le plaisir d'annoncer le renouvellement de son agrément CIR en tant qu'organisme de Recherche et Développement pour les années 2015, 2016 et 2017 ...


2014/08/19 » QuartusII 14.0 'couldn't load XPCOM'

category: fix | tags:  altera  quartus  fpga  ubuntu  x86_64 | author: Gilles Lasnier

The ALTERA QuartusII 14.0 has been released since two months now. If you have upgraded your environment and if you're using a recent Ubuntu 64 bits host (for example an Ubuntu 13.10 or 14.04 version) and Firefox as web browser, you may issue an error when using the Licences Setup tool ...


2014/06/18 » ALTERA Embedded Symposium

category: event | tags:  altera  ciele  fpga  soc  quartus  qsys  linux-socfpga | author: Gilles Lasnier

CIELE has been invited by ALTERA to assist to its "Embedded Symposium". This symposium gives the opportunity to ALTERA's partners to discover new products ...


2014/05/20 » ALTERA - CIELE Technical Meeting

category: research | tags:  ciele  cilex  fpga  altera  quartus  qsys | author: Gilles Lasnier

CIELE and ALTERA France experts will have a technical meeting at ALTERA to discuss about ALTERA's tools improvements and their integration in the new CILEX solution ...


2014/04/10 » From Research to Industry, CEA

category: event | tags:  cea  research  industry  event | author: Gilles Lasnier

The CEA have organized the 2nd edition of the day "From Research to Industry". The goal of this event was to give more visibility ...